필리핀 따알 화산 영향 지역(2020.01.15. 06:00기준) https://bit.ly/30mfuDm ERUPTION UPDATE FOR TAAL VOLCANO ALERT LEVEL 4 (HAZARDOUS ERUPTION IMMINENT) 15 JANUARY 2020 05:00 PM Taal Volcano’s eruption has been characterized by continuous magmatic and hydrovolcanic activity that generated 700-meter tall dark gray steam-laden plumes that drifted to the general southwest. In addition to the previously identified fissures in Lemery www.phivolcs.dost... 2020. 1. 16. 따알 화산 분출 정보(2020.01.14 09:00기준) https://www.phivolcs.dost.gov.ph/index.php/taal-volcano-bulletin-menu/9636-taal-volcano-bulletin-14-january-2020-8-00-a-m(모바일용 단축주소 : https://bit.ly/2Nn2b0c) TAAL VOLCANO BULLETIN 14 January 2020 8:00 A.M. For the past 24 hours, Taal Volcano’s activity has been characterized by continuous eruption of the Main Crater due to magmatic and hydrovolcanic activity. This ongoing eruption generated 500-.. 2020. 1. 14. 따알 화산 분화 정보(2020.01.13. 17:00기준정보) - 마닐라 공항 출도착은 지연운항중 https://www.phivolcs.dost.gov.ph/index.php/taal-volcano-bulletin-menu/9633-eruption-update-for-taal-volcano-13-january-2020-04-00-pm ERUPTION UPDATE FOR TAAL VOLCANO 13 JANUARY 2020 04:00 PM After a brief waning of activity following lava fountaining at 2:49-4:28 AM today, Taal’s eruption resumed immediately with weak sporadic lava fountaining and hydrovolcanic activity at the Main Crater that g.. 2020. 1. 13. 화산 분출로 필리핀 마닐라 공항 임시 폐쇄 → 전면 폐쇄 https://news.v.daum.net/v/20200113071642723 필리핀 화산 폭발로 마닐라 공항 폐쇄 (서울=뉴스1) 강민경 기자 = 필리핀 공항 당국은 화산폭발로 마닐라 공항을 임시 폐쇄한다고 밝혔다고 미국의 CNBC가 12일(현지시간) 보도했다. 공항 당국은 인근 탈 화산에서 분출한 재로 시계가 좋지 않아 공항을 임시로 폐쇄한다며 대체 교통편을 알아볼 것을 권고했다. 탈 화산은 마닐라에서 남쪽으로 약 65㎞ 떨어져 있는 호수 가운데 위치해 있다. 화 news.v.daum.net https://edition.cnn.com/2020/01/12/asia/taal-volcano-eruption-philippines-trnd/index.html Philippines warns of 'explos.. 2020. 1. 13. 이전 1 다음